UJ Drinks Directory
89b Acre Lane
SW2 5TN - See map

A true original - Upstairs Bar is one of those in-the-know, intimate spots that's so lowkey that there isn't even a sign on the door. Like a small-but-perfectly-formed living room, with a fantastic restaurant upstairs and genuine townhouse feel across these two tiny rooms, white leather armchairs and working fireplaces are among the other of Upstairs' charms.

Hours: Tues-Wed: 6:30pm-1am. Thur-Sat 6:30pm-2am. Sun 12:30-3pm.
Cover: No
Guestlist: Call 02077338855 for restaurant bookings
Food: Yes
Crowd: City slickers on the Brixton boom; the meeja underbelly and design mafioso.
Special nights: No special events.
Hot tip: Advance booking essential for restaurant.

©2007 Urban Junkies