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Walking dead. Wooooooh

That Jamie Hewlett gets about a bit.

From creating animated pop groups to being paid to draw all over the toilet walls of Kabaret's Prophecy - something lesser punters would be chucked out for - he certainly likes to keep himself busy.

And now the creative pie fingerer, along with his design team Zombie, has got an already overworked hand in a new range of bags for iconic bag makers Eastpak.

The traveller and student favourite accessory brand has seen off competition from other unnamed 90s-specific backpackers by realising that rucksacks have two, not one strap, and are still the bag of choice for scores of urbanites.

Hewlett's new limited range feature zombies or zombie construction tool prints, naturally, and should do well with the skater mob fraternity.

And even if you don't wear your trousers around your ankles, if you're a fan of Qees or Michael Lau's crasysmiles, then these ghoulish sacks may just hit a note.

Eastpak by Zombie now available  
by ST
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