When you receive a press release for a new art exhibition and the small print reads "Kemistry Gallery takes responsibility only for work installed on the Gallery site. All other works are created at the artists' own risk," then you have to think that this might actually be something worth seeing. |
The reason for the slightly paranoid disclaimer is that CutUp is an exhibition which uses advertising billboards as its raw materials. Carefully selected billposters are sliced up by undercover artists and then the various pieces are rearranged in makeshift, large-scale collages. Why? Good question. It's all has to do with the emotional impact of advertising and the effect that media saturation has on our collective psyche... ...plus it gives grown men and women the chance to run around at night, playing with glue and scissors on a much bigger scale than Blue Peter ever did.
at Kemistry Gallery April 5-30 43 Charlotte Rd, EC2 - 020 7729 3636 And see clepto's handiwork on the billboards opposite DreamBagsJaguarShoes |
by RH |