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Tray food

Isn't it ironic how, just as you're embarking on your first steps to freedom, you should find yourself trapped in a consumer prison?

Heathrow Airport may be known for many things - great shops, superior business lounges and a slick, 'talking' train - but it's never been a food Mecca.

Ordinarily it's a choice between a Happy Meal or a pre-packaged Ploughman's, so we're pleased to announce an alternative for the captive audiences swarming through Heathrow.

The Tin Goose marks a departure from the usual McMicrowave concept. Seated comfortably in Terminal One, it's the brainchild of Ralph Lauren's ex-Creative Director and has already received a design award nomination.

Styled around the retro travel of the 30s and 40s, it will feature call buttons for solo travellers, an extensive, home-cooked comfort menu and vast glass walls overlooking an exterior balcony.

So no more hanging out for that sodium-rich inflight meal. We're hoping that this airport concept really, erm, takes off, and that its competitors follow suit.


The Tin Goose
Heathrow Terminal One - 020 8607 5960
by VG
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