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Dinner's served

Small may be beautiful, but cheaper is certainly better.

In the era where tiny is sexy (supermodels, iShuffles, smart cars), who does whole meals anymore? Not us.

We've done Lebanese, sushi and tapas and we're slightly obsessed with dim sum (as you know), which is why we were thrilled to stumble upon Ping Pong, the latest dim sum in town, only a chopsticks-throw from Mash and other contemporary-style eateries.

Like everywhere now, Ping Pong - which is chicer than it sounds - is welcoming us to the 'experience' economy, with mixologists on the cocktail list, films on a large outdoor screen and noodle pullers front of house. Brings a new meaning to lunchtime entertainment. In fact, I'm thinking of training as a noodle-puller. It could be the next big thing.

And the food? Economical steamed beauties are served in stylish surroundings; finally offering a quality alternative to Mr Yau's exorbitant eat-or-pay-your-rent fare.

It may not have the flattering lighting of Hakkasan (a serious selling point), but at least you won't get the same attitude from reservations. Which is worth its weight in gold.


Ping Pong
45 Great Marlborough St, W1 - 020 7851 6969
Open noon-midnight (10:30pm Sun). No bookings.
by SF
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