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Egghead - Annie Collinge cut-out

If you see a bunch of overexcited people running around London today brandishing oversized cut-outs in the shape of electric guitars then don't panic, it's not the World Air Guitar Championships again.

This is something far more 'highbrow': interactive graphic design-focused public art.

What does that mean? Well basically it means that the marketing heads at Sony have been working overtime to try and figure out new ways to promote the PSP (just how long can an anticipation campaign go on for?).

So they've dragged in Peter 'Big in the 80s' Saville and a whole bunch of other designers, photographers and grafitti artists to decorate these large guitar-shaped cut outs, 500 of which will be distributed around London over the next week or so, and yours to keep should you find one.

Now it's probably not going to make us run out and buy the PSP as intended (sorry Sony!), but free bespoke guitars that could actually be worth something (50 have been signed by Saville/20 by the almost famous) are rather exciting.

So why not go have a hunt round on your lunchbreak tomorrow? Although we don't recommend trying to get a 6ft high cut out onto the Tube in rush hour.

You don't want to bend your future nest egg.


PSP Presents CutOut - across the capital (and at an exhibition at oki-ni, 25 Savile Row, W1) from today until August 1

by RH
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