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The Nu New
All New

Some things are just So modern, So new, So now, that they can frankly only be described as "The Nu New".

Temporary fashion accessories store, The New, which opens today, certainly fits into that category. Indeed it's so damn new that within three days it will be all over - even Von Dutch lasted longer than that!

The New Thing is a moveable feast featuring ten accessory designers - and a perfumer - displaying their wares for just three days in a temporary space in Kingly Court.

These kind of guerilla-tactic stores have been popping up intermittently in London and New York for a couple of years now and they can be great places to find one-off pieces.

What makes this one interesting is that it focuses on women's and men's accessories, which is a very distinct market with outrageously priced designer stuff at one end and high street tat at the other - let's hope The New Thing manages to bridge that divide, if only temporarily.

All Hail The New!


The New
2.11 Kingly Court (second floor), Carnaby St, W1. October 7-9, 9.30am-7pm
by SOC
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