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Rock On
City hippies

Countdown to World Cup is reaching a fever pitch. Ladies all over the country are thrilled at the chance to finally reconnect with their battery-operated best friends - without the pesky annoyance of a boyfriend/husband trying to play with the vibrate dial.

But, gentlemen, before you buy that vile flatscreen telly, pull close the drapes, paint your face and hang that St George's flag from the window, there is one event that has the cognoscenti of London all a-twitter.

The ladies may have Lilith Fair, celebrities may have Glastonbury, but now the hedge fund community - by far the trendiest lads in London - finally have their own festival to look forward to.

Hedgestock, billed a Festival of Networking for the Hedgefund Industry, is certainly a must-see event. The Who may be playing, but visitors are much more excited about the Hedgestone band, comprised entirely of hedge fund musicians, and the Spiegeltent, where a "Sound of Music" sing-a-long is planned (we kid you not).

We're picturing really lunatic antics: Blackberry messages going unanswered, bespoke suits grass stained, vintage champagne switched for cava, and, worst of all, late night teary confessions that most of them have no idea what a hedge fund is.

Mayhem. Rock on, boys.


Knebworth, June 7-8, 2006
by EC
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