Stylish gals will long be familiar with PPQ. The London-born label designed by Amy Molyneaux and Percy Parker has been in our top-rated ever since those winning drainpipe jeans - six years before the city caught onto skinny. |
Fabulous news then, that the duo is opening up shop. Housed in a Georgian space at 47 Conduit Street (where the Gibo store used to be), the new boutique is a grown-up show-home for PPQ's smock dresses, denim and new jewellery line - called 'The Countess collection'. The interior is designed by posh Garrard architect Tom
Bartlett, and features a chequered floor, antique furniture and sleek
modish fittings - with a dash of taxidermy - a look that PPQ artily
describe as "Modern Op Art with a nod to Victoriana psychedelic". |
And, as changing rooms are to shopkeepers what downstairs loos are to homeowners, they will be suitably kitsch: with a labyrinth-like hexagon of mirrors topped off by a secret mirrored panel to gain access to the upstairs VIP showroom - for 'special customers' only - but as PPQ have fans including Sofia Coppola, Kate Moss & Natalie Portman, it's probably worth finding. Mayfair madness at No.47. This is going to be one frock-rocking shop worth visiting. PPQ - 47 Conduit St, W1 |
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