Urban Junkies London
Wednesday, March 12 2003
My latest squeeze
Squeeze away.

I don't eat enough fruit. And I know it. It's not that I set out not to, but I just never get around to peeling that orange that's been sitting on my desk for a week, and the banana goes off before I remember it, and apples just don't seem to taste as they should these days...

Winterbottom's 'In This World' opens this year's Human Rights Watch Film Festival today at 7pm.
Talking of human rights, a trio of London cleaners stage a coup to take over the world in the colourful comedy Early Morning. At least they succeed in taking over the Oval House Theatre at 7:45pm. 52-54 Kennington Oval, SE11. £9. 020 7582 7680.

Enter Innocent Drinks. Innocent was started by a couple of guys who were disillusioned with the idea of being on the treadmill for the rest of their days, so they bought a load of fruit, a juicer and two bins and took it all off to a festival.

Over the next couple of days, they made drinks out of it and asked everyone who tested it to put their empty cups into one of the bins - the 'Yes' or the 'No' bin - to answer the question, 'Shall we ditch our jobs and do this for a living?'

Fortunately for us, more people answered affirmative than not, and so Innocent was born and with it came a whole family of exciting fruit juices and smoothies. Think lychee and passion fruit - and these aren't just any lychees - these babes have been hand rolled.

It's easier than a colon treatment, and cheaper than a nutritionist - so thank god for Innocent Drinks. Your body will thank you and your parents will approve too.

You can also check out their website www.innocentdrinks.co.uk where they have heaps of information and games. Or of course call the banana phone on 020 8600 3939


Healing gardens may not be your thing, but it's always fun to pay a visit to the Concept Café at the Ideal Home Show where design students showcase their best creative concepts such as the Internet Loo Roll Browser or sun loungers which automatically align with the sun. Preview today 10am-6pm. Earls Court Exhibition Centre, SW5. Preview tickets £25 (£11 if you can hold off surfing the net on a loo roll until tomorrow) 0870 606 6080.

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