Personally I pity anyone who has to utilise so much as a credit card to afford the sort of sumptuous lifestyle to which I've become so accustomed. But the idea of taking out a mortgage to buy one's home - well - quite frankly, that's for the sort of people who buy their own furniture! |
Brixton Academy host vocal prodigy Amy Winehouse.211 Stockwell Road, SW9. 7pm. £17. 08700 600 100 or here. |
Let's hope none of them see W: 100 Artists See God, new and blasphemic at ICA. 12-9:30pm. The Mall SW1 £1.50 | ||||
TECHGNOSISymposium at the Corsica Arts Club. 7pm. 5 Elephant Rd, SE17. £7.50. 020 7703 4760 or online. |
Did you know that if you buy the average Chelsea pied a terre for, oooh, say £300k, then over the course of 25 years you'll pay a preposterous £250k in interest to the vile banks. Well, now, even if you're not as fabulously wealthy as me, there IS an alternative: Pay it off in TWO YEARS. That is the challenge set by a forthcoming BBC TV series, Pay Off Your Mortgage, which will follow eight households over two years as they toil and struggle to earn enough money to pay off their mortgage in only two years. Think of the scrimping and saving the poor blighters will have to do while they work their fingers to the bone. |
Candy is Dandy but Liquor is Quicker returns to 291 with the, um irresistable Satanica Pandemonia. 8:30pm-2am. 291 Hackney Road, E2. £5. |
Too old for Fabric? Let Nitin Sawhney change your mind. 9:30pm-5am. 77 Charterhse St, EC1. £12. Buy online. |
Ho Hum! If you would like to submit yourself to this Herculean task then - fool, that you are - contact Pay
Off Your Mortgage |
Postcard art time again. See what's on offer at this year's RCA Secret. 10am-6pm. Kens Gore, SW7. Free. |
WearDowney and more at Blow's sample sale Saturday and Sunday 10:30am-7pm. 12 Newburgh St, W1. £1. |
Mute Film Presents... special footage of the Virgin Prunes and more @ Ritzy Saturday 11:30pm. Coldharbour Lane, SW2. £5.50. 020 7733 2229. | ||||
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