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Birds from Edd Pearman

It's no secret that, these days, it's all about the art. "Invest, view, make", they say.

Now, extended runs aren't purely limited to theatre productions. Richard Patterson's 'Paintings from Dallas' are, we hear, so popular that the Timothy Taylor Gallery have added weeks to his current exhibition (or perhaps the scheduled artist bailed). Galleries are extending spaces (no, I didn't make it to the off-site part of La La Land, either - far too many temptations en route).

Ian McKellen leads the star studded cast in The Old Vic's Aladdin as Widow Twankey. 7:30pm. The Cut, SE1. £7-40. 0870 060 6628 or online.

New on Urban Junkies website today

Brixton Academy host dance rockers LCD Soundsystem. 8pm. 211 Stockwell Rd SW9. £17. 08700 600 100 or here.

Macedonian piano sensation Trpceski plays at the RFH. 7:30pm. Belvedere Rd, SE1. £27. 0870 401 8181 or here.

So, because it's that time of year (Jesus, that was cheap) and because, believe us, you need to know, here are Urban Junkies' Christmas spectres of past, present and future:

Past: The new Mark Jason Gallery launched last Monday with an exhibition entitled Nude and Bird Studies by artist Edd Pearman. They're rather collectable, we feel.

Present: Loving it. Great for purchasing top illustrators' works minus the gallery pricepoints, it purveys exclusive, limited edition prints from artists such as Natasha Law, Daisy de Villeneuve and Molly Molloy. Ranging between £150 and £395, these could make the perfect Christmas present for that special someone. (Note to self: Stop. Now.)

Sidebar sponsored by Somerset House Ice Rink

Cargo's excellent jazz night Independent Mix brings The Life force with Dwight Trible. 8pm. 83 Rivington St, EC2. £8. 08700 600 100 or here.

Try your luck for tix to Night of the Igauna at Lyric with Woody Harrelson. 7:45pm. Shaftesbury Avenue, W1. £25. 0870 154 4040 or here.

Future: Brighten up the colder months (It's fine, I'll leave of my own accord) with the thought of a Saatchi relocation (and, let's hope, rethink - dear Charles is going a bit Madonna on us) and rumour of another White Cube gallery opening. Just think of the parties!

So there you have it... The three artworld crimbo kings.

OK. I'm gone.

Unique Hotels for Global Nomads

Tom Hunters achieves a first as his Living in Hell becomes the first photo show ever at the NG, WC2. 10am-9pm.

Racy comedy Read My Hips is now on at Drill Hall. 8pm. 16 Chenies Street, WC1. £15. 020 7307 5060 or here
Funny Women on Tour hits Madame JoJos with the best of's. 8pm. 8 Brewer St, W1. £8. 08700 600 100 or online.
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Foreign Muck Christmas Weekender
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