FEBRUARY 20, 2009 |
The Wedding Singer |
I'm not entirely sad that Valentine's is out of the way again. Even if, for me, it was a bit of a bumper year: the obligatory and slightly depressing card from my mother, another from a friend who didn't even bother to take it out of its plastic, and then one genuine mystery sender. A triumph!
But frankly it's not the cards that drive me crazy, it's those darn love songs. I'll scream if I have to watch one more lovestruck couple shuffling about to Love Is All Around. And the prospect of another summer of weddings, another cold salmon lunch, and another turn on the dancefloor with Uncle Peter The Octopus and the strains (and I mean strains) of You're Beautiful? Aaarrgh!
But wait, what if we never had to hear those tired, old songs again? What if someone was clever enough to write original material just for the happy couple? Well, the brilliant James Carrington (who's way cooler than Blunty) has created a bespoke songwriting service cunningly called Songs For Weddings. He spends time with the lovers, getting to know their story and musical tastes before scribing the perfect love song. And he'll even perform it at the event. What could be more romantic?
Songs For Weddings
BS |
Get in touch with your dark and Burtonian side with these Tales Too Terrible To Tell. Volupté. 8pm. 9 Norwich St, EC. £5-10. |
The Deutsche Bürse Photography Prize (£30,000 - yikes!) exhibition is unveiled. Photographers' Gallery. 11am-6pm. 16-18 Ramilies St, W1. Free. |
Help celebrate a whole 12 months since East Village first hit the 'Ditch with Stuart Patterson et al. 9pm-4am. 89 Gt Eastern St, EC2. £8. |
Less Carry On, more Bugged Out/Disco Bloodbath yacht rock. Sail on Sailor at The Queen of Hoxton. 1 Commercial St, EC2. 8pm-2am. Free.