Really U.U.S.P. |
anything new these days, and all that people
give two hoots about is what makes it 'special'.
A USP ('Unique Selling Point', for both of you
who escaped being beaten with the media stick)
used to be the conceptual cherry in the metaphorical
Manhattan of a business. Now's it's the cherry,
the glass, and the whole bottle of whisky.
the spanking new One&Only
in South Africa, for example. Not only
is this luxury hotel bringing Africa its first
Nobu and its first Maze, but did I
mention the state-of-the-art, one-of-a-kind,
three floor wine library? Then there's
the Amsterdam style bar where each table gets
its own private, well, minibar. Sort of like
an honesty bar. But with set prices. And a key.
Yet these pale beside Blow
Up Hall - Poland's latest designer hotel
- where, based on the electronic art of Lozano
Hemmer, 2400 virtual cameras turn the hotel's
guests into reflexive, living pieces of art.
Upon arrival, they're also guided to their un-numbered
suites by an iPhone, which unlocks the key-less
doors using magic ingenious
recognition software.
London's most tran-tastic night at the shack. 10:30pm - 3am, Madame JoJos, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1F, £5. |
Astley Clarke's sample sale moves into brick & mortar premises. 2-8pm,Astley Clarke Showroom, 6 Junction Mews, W2, From £20. |
Make, shift and bend art for the times. 12pm - 6pm, Café Gallery, Centre of
Southwark Park, SE16. Free. |
Comedy clap-off with open mic spots and sketches. 7:30pm, Queen's Head,15
Denman Street, W1D. £1.