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Eat & Drink

Originally published on Friday, 22nd February 2008

Eastern Promise


First there are too many trendies, then too many suits. It's too scruffy, it's selling out. It's so over, and then it's the place to be.

Like a self-contained model for fashion in general, nothing in Shoreditch ever dies; it just gets reborn with a twist.

Money bought all the flats in Hoxton Square and that was the end of that. But then the Boombox kids hit the 'hood and the game was back on. To and fro, back and forth, the irreverent needle of cool swings.

Shoreditch House has already come full circle, and whilst BBB is far too over-styled for many locals, come summertime there'll be more skinny jeans on their palm treed roof than they'll no what to do with.

Last week saw the East Room unveil its swanky Enomatic wine samplers. And tonight, from the still-warm ashes of the fallen Medicine Bar, the East Village sprouts its fiery wings: its interior a secret, its sound system super expensive, and its music policy organised by the house-legend Stuart Patterson.

No sooner do we berate the lack of a good dancing ground to complete the Eastern promise than our wish is granted and this baby appears. Fickle she may be, but you've got to love the 'Ditch.

East Village - opens tonight
89 Great Eastern Street, EC2
Open 9pm-4am, £6-8 admission

by AC

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