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Originally published on Monday, 7th April 2008

Memory Lane


May. Sunny mornings. Balmy nights. Romance in the air. All good. But certain members of the UJ team are looking forward to late Spring for other reasons. Namely, the Sex and the City movie.

Those of you who just sneered (philistines!) should look away now. In the age of He's Just Not That Into You, The Rules and competitive dating, there are few things that are truly heartrenderingly romantic anymore.

For me, it's my coterie of girlfriends. My ladies, My bitches. And while I would never be friends with the likes of Carrie Bradshaw (too bland, too lame), the other three characters are the concentrated essence of what is woman: the good girl, the whore and the bitch.

So, laugh if you may, but we're pretty excited about the premiere. So much so we're thinking of booking in with Destination On Location, the new company that provides the Sex and the City lifestyle for pedestrians like us.

Destination On Location - SATC packages cost US$ 24,000 plus airfare
On a tighter budget than that? Try the US$42 SATC Hotspots tour from
On Location Tours.

by EC

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