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Originally published on Monday, 19th May 2008

Douze Points


Eurovision gets a poor rap amongst us Brits. At least that's what the head honcho would have us believe after accusing Wogan of making our televised broadcast of the spangled extravaganza look like a farce.

Apparently our inability to take a giant Irish turkey named Dustin squawking 'shake your feathers and bop your beak' terribly seriously makes us bad people. The shame.

But if there's one thing we're entirely committed to here, it's alcohol. Yes, Eurovision lends itself very nicely to our national past time, and ironically, when it comes to related drinking games, nobody's keen to be British. Shots are scored by the amount of points awarded to nations, and as we all know, le Royaume-Uni scores nul. If you're happy to be a member of the Eastern Block for the day, however, you're likely to be under the table halfway through.

So in the name of patriotism, or as it turns out, the lack thereof, spend the night with other Euro revellers at The Harcourt Arms, and get your votes in for Dustin the Turkey.

Eurovision - Semi-finals 20th and 22nd, final 24th May.
See it all at
The Harcourt Arms, 32 Harcourt Street, Marylebone, W1H 4HX. £6 with drink (semifinals free).

by MaM

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