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Originally published on Tuesday, 12th January 2010

Doggy Style

doggy style

I never thought I’d meet my very own Sir Lancealot. I certainly didn’t expect to run into any kind of Knight, shining armour or not, whilst having my legs balanced in the air, intimate-gynaecological-exam style. But there he was, giving me kisses for every press-up I successfully achieved and barking his approval in between attacking my water bottle. Oh – Lance is a dog. And he lives at Pilates K.  

I have always sucked at sports. Picked last and coming in last, I looked forward to sports day the way others look forward to Armageddon. So it was with some reticence that I agreed to even try Pilates. This after all, is the providence of Gwyneth Paltrow, the reason behind Madonna’s relief-map veined arms, the thing which sounds a bit like yoga, but isn’t. Right? Wrong – it may just be the only reason I believe in exercise at all.

‘The home of the reformer’, Pilates K uses a long, bench-like machine which you lie, sit and stand on whilst using foot bars and hand straps to move weighted springs beneath your individual platform. There are only five in the studio so you’re guaranteed a personal atmosphere and all the help you need, as well as services for allergy testing, massage therapy and even hypnosis downstairs. The aim here is to build strength and lengthen muscles, toning them without bulking up. The exercises chop and change quickly enough to stop boredom setting in, the focus is squarely on your breathing and activating dormant muscles (my entire internal structure), and the effects are honestly staggering. Sure you’re strung up like a Cirque du Soleil performer one minute and indulging in a little Downward Dog action (behave) the next, but the joy of it is you actually want to get better at the moves.

I could evangelise a la Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP, but really if you’re ready for a serious change, make the most of your free first session and see for yourself. Just stay away from my man – he’s not the only one that growls.

by MaM


Get your first session for free by quoting ‘Urban Junkies’.
1 hour sessions: £12-£18, one-on-ones: £45

Pilates K ,12-14 Devonshire Row, EC2M. 0207 377 1819 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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