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Style & Design

Originally published on Friday, 19th September 2008

Out and About: "Forgotten Peacock"

Forgotten Peacock

Fancy a taste of fashion week but don’t see yourself blagging a front row piece of the action? Then check out UJs pick of the best exhibitions, installations and happenings in the capital in honour of LFW. Catwalks are like, so mainstream, darling.

One for despairing girlfriends and boys who just like to dress up; as part of ‘Design Overtime at the Design Museum, male members of the public are given the opportunity to try on extravagant and luxurious suits by young up-and-comer takis in an interactive fashion installation of sorts. Ladies are welcome to watch it all as it happens on a multimedia installation. The original outfits were dreamt up by kids aged 12-14, so you can expect some colourful outcomes and some decidedly uncomfortable participants as they’re asked to face their taboos and insecurities, becoming ‘peacocks’.  Shake a tail feather, boys.

"Forgotten Peacock"

19th September 2008
6pm – 10pm
Design Museum
Shad Thames SE1 2YD

by MaM

Back to UJ at LFW September '08

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