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Originally published on Friday, 9th May 2008

Party Pics

Oxfam Re-Launch Party Pics: 7th May 2008


Fashion, charity and free booze? You know how launches go: a smattering of young designers here, a few gorgeous model-types there, the smiley chatter of journos, stylists, and the quaffing of the usual pretty, young blaggers. But throw in some dappled sunlight on a midweek afternoon, ‘ethical design’ that actually adheres to both elements of its epithet, a handful of Tanqueray gin cocktails to lubricate the social fabric, and charity never seemed so much fun. 

Pics by Diamond Rogers

Oxfam Boutique 245 Westbourne Grove


Oxfam 2

Oxfam 3

Oxfam 4


Oxfam 6

Oxfam 7

Oxfam 8

Oxfam 9

Oxfam 10

Oxfam 11


Urban Junkies is a free newsletter delivering the very latest London launches, trends and events.


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