Charlene Davies – On|Off Backstage Photographer
What inspires you when you work at On/Off?
There are so many individual aspects of the On/Off event that really inspire me whilst I am working. I think it is impossible not be hugely affected by the amount of creative talent that surrounds you. On/Off not only encompasses fashion but also design, art and music all within such an amazing space. Together this inspires me to use and push my own creativity to hopefully do the event justice.
What are the biggest challenges of your job?
The biggest challenge of my job is finding the ability to be in more than one place at the same time. As I am covering the whole event, it is important that I not only photograph front and backstage but also everything else that is happening around the building. There's a lot of running involved.
What's been your career highlight?
Being invited back each season is a great feeling, but if one particular moment has to be when I photographed David Bailey and Damien Hirst at the Mother of Pearl show last season. It was a great feeling to meet both of these great creative inspirations in one day.
How did you get to be a part of On/Off?
A very lucky break. Lee had met a relative of mine and we were put in contact. I was invited to come photograph the event in 2004 and have been back every season since.
Interview by Hannah Marti-Wearing