
Splish Splash

New pools for your radar

Sky Pool

Pools. Long pools, short pools, very very high pools. They’ve never really been of interest to us (that said, we do fall for an infinity pool), but lately, there’s movement on the pool front that’s made us take note.

By now, you’ve probably heard that we’re getting the first ever Sky Pool. Part of the Embassy Gardens luxe apartment and shopping complex, near the new US Embassy, this 25 metre-high transparent pool will link two buildings, 115ft feet high in the air. Shudder. It’s not finished yet, but we’re interested to see who goes in first when it is. Not. Us.

Next, it’s the latest building from The Collective, a new co-living space (yes, all apartment buildings are co-living, but these encourage co-work, and play) in Canary Wharf, which claims to have London’s highest swimming pool on the 20th floor. Could be worth a look.

Lastly, it’s something we’ve noticed across the pond. Ever wanted to learn how to surf, but are afraid of sharks? Then this new surf spot in Palm Desert called DSRT Surf (geddit?), says it will have ‘epic surf’ and aims to become the world’s first destination surf resort beyond the ocean. With expected costs projected at $200m to build (with a 2021 launch), we’re assuming they think there are enough people who also think surfing on a golf course will be cool.

Splish splash, in a pool, not a bath

Originally published on
18th July 2019


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