Agent Provocateur
Strap yourself in, it's sexy.
Whilst internationally, AP is worn by some of the finest French fillies and British beauties out to impress their boyfriends, in Vancouver, discerning women stick to cotton and Provocateur is frequented by ladies of a less, ahem, dignified persuasion. But put on a brave face and go in, because they do still do some of the nicest scanties, and the catalogue that comes with purchase is almost worth the buy alone. Settle for any of the books, footwear or loungewear if you can't bear the thought of nipple tassles.
Top Tip / UJ Loves: Great for wedding presents, you can't go wrong with a set of the Xena cuffs.
Agent Provocateur
1020 Alberni Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 1A3
Tel:+1 (604) 688 2712