C'est La Vie
Ahead of the curve but behind the times
Vancouver is behind in fashion, so vintage stores tend to have a lot of good stuff. When a vintage trend is fashionable in London, you can get tons of it here for cheap, because it'll be a while before the Canadians start buying into the trend. As such, C'est La Vie is the insider's choice for great vintage and consignment pieces, with one of the sales girls also working as a picker for Rokit vintage in London, so keep in mind the stock you are looking at is probably selling for five times the price on Brick Lane.
Top Tip / UJ Loves: Check out the neighbouring stores, I Heart Barbarella, a very cute hairdresser, and Puff, a legendary drugs paraphernalia store.
C'est La Vie
3247 Main Street
Vancouver, BC
V5V 3M6
Tel: +1 (604) 876 2284