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A little exotic flavour in Belgravia

Ah, to be sat under a mango tree on an exotic beach in January!

It's not very likely for most of us, so the Mango Tree restaurant in Belgravia is the next best thing.


Its regulars such as celebrity cobbler, Jimmy Choo, odd child-naming couple, Gwyneth and Chris, and even rival Aldo Zilli all seem to agree with the London Eating Awards who named it 'Restaurant Of The Year 2004'.

The effortlessly exquisite 150-seat Thai restaurant has just appointed a new head chef, Mark Read, previously of Live Bait and Bam-Bou, and whose Vietnamese recipe book, Lemongrass and Lime was published in October 2000.

Mark's new years resolution is to continue to cook sumptuous traditional Thai food whilst introducing a new range of desserts and lighter menu options using a delicate mix of flavours and the highest quality ingredients available.

To celebrate Mark's arrival, the Mango Tree is offering Urban Junkies readers 50% off the food bill for lunch throughout the week and for dinner between Sunday and Wednesday throughout January.

Which is more than marginally superior to gobbling down a scabby bit of old turkey breast.

Mango Tree, 46 Grosvenor Place, SW1
Bookings: 020 7823 1888
by ST
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