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Some match-up

Politics. Boring? Not quite. Westminster is the new West End. And Prime Minister's Questions, every Wednesday while Parliament is in session, is where it's at.

Never knew plebes could attend this comedy of errors? Me neither, but all you have to do is contact your MP and they'll do the rest (check parliament.uk to find out who your MP is). You may have to wait a few weeks for seats to be available - hot ticket and all - but once you're given the green light, let the games begin.

Expect catcalls, scathing banter, parliamentary pooches (Paris isn't the only one) and musical outbursts - and that's all before halftime. Our respectable members of parliament are definitely having a lot more fun than us cloakless 9-5ers.

It's sarcastic, it's dramatic, it's even educational. The show is so good that come next election, you might even bother to vote.

The Prime Minister's Questions
Every Wednesday at noon at House of Commons, SW1
Requests for tickets to the public gallery are currently being taken. Contact your MP to apply or watch via live webcast.
by TW/ND
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