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Speed king

First came the Mods, and all of a sudden scooters were cool. Then came Jamie Oliver and suddenly people would rather walk than be seen riding anything which made them resemble the thick-tongued one.

Surely, it would take a cultural phenomenon of epic proportions to drag the poor scooter out of the celebrity chef's portly shadow? Preferably something out of the hyper driven hotbed of gadget geekdom that is Japan and with the words 'limited edition' written all over it.

Say hello then, to the Zoomer.

Built by Honda the Zoomer is the Skeletor of scooters. Powerful but stripped down to its bare essentials, it has extra-wide tires, dual headlights and a 50cc engine. But most of all the Zoomer is ultimately customisable.

Saddles, paint jobs, accessories, frames, engine parts... you decide. It's a scooter made in your image. But you'll have to be quick: the number of Zoomers making their way to the UK is very small, so much so that you might be better off importing one right now to get ahead of the game.

Just pray Jamie Oliver doesn’t get his hands on one.

Honda Zoomer and Zoomerzine  
by RH
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