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Happy Oz Day

The rise and rise of Britain's most controversial photographer since his early days at Dazed and Confused has been fast and furious.

Love him or loathe him, Rankin has established his own distinctive viewpoint towards image making moving between the worlds of fashion and lifestyle.

His latest project Rankin's Australia will see the man himself embark on a nine day venture down under, not with the latest supermodel, but for Australia: A different light, a £150 million campaign to redefine the destination.

Rankin will visit Sydney Harbour, Australian Wine Lands and the true outback with total freedom to shoot exactly what he finds epitomises the country's true spirit. Having never visited Oz before, a style based photographer let loose in the limitless natural and architectural world, should certainly reap some interesting results and secure Australia smack bang on the desirable holiday hotspot list.

And with so many talented Australian designers securing their position at London fashion week recently, it looks like Australia's giving London a run for its money in the cool stakes.

Rankin's Australia: A Different Light - Jan 26-Feb 20
at Proud Central, 5 Buckingham St, WC2
Mon-Thu 10am-7pm, Fri-Sun 11am-6pm
by SS
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