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Cutting edge technology anno 1982: datasette

Ok, so Grand Theft Auto lets you mow down innocent pedestrians, and The Getaway allows you to drive around central London at speeds in excess of twelve miles an hour.

But whatever happened to the innocent pleasures of yesteryear?

Pleasures like collecting the glasses round at Jet Set Willy's house, or the RSI-inducing joystick gymnastics of the classic Summer Games.

Well if you find yourself pining for some good, old-fashioned 64-kilobyte fun on these cold winter nights you need look no further than the Competition Pro 5000 Joystick.

It plugs directly into your TV, so no temperamental tapes or ear-splitting loading screens, just all your favourite C64 games in an instant.

And with games like Pitstop, World Karate Champion, and Sumo Wrestling it will be like those long summers of childhood all over again.

Just don't stay up too long on a school night.

Commodore 64 direct-to-TV console
Now available from Gadgets.co.uk for £24.99
by RH
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