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Party, hamam-style

I was tempted not to write this article. The minute a new venue opens in East London which is deemed even remotely cool, the mulleted hoards and media types descend. A rapid transformation turns it into yet another soulless style bar, the crowds flock and then fade away leaving it to be invaded by drunken suits that have wandered off the beaten path.

Fingers crossed this won't be the case for new underground hotspot, the Alhambra Rooms. Almost imperceptible from the outside, it began life as a Turkish baths and the whole place oozes eroded ethnic glamour. Suitably large ceilings, faded mosaics and decorative arches blend with the de-rigueur battered bohemian sofas.

Since the untimely demise of the Fortress, there has been nowhere capable of fusing top-notch line-ups with the friendly, laid-back vibe so lacking from most Shoreditch bars. Former Fortress fans and promoters are flocking to this unlock the Turkish delights of this cavernous club.

Kai-Zen were the original brains behind the Scand events, one of the Fortress's most famed nights. Now they are back with a nu-jazz style line-up, a new venue and a new determination to host the best parties South of Watford.

Kai-Zen @ Alhambra - Saturday January 29
33-35 Commercial Road, E1
10pm-5am, £5
by SK
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