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Get the VIP treatment

Sick of waiting hours in the pleb line? Want to show that hot model/actress/stripper you're really someone?

Now there's a new concierge service that promises you the key to the Big Apple.

Inspired by America's fascination with celebrity, Partybuddys (the spelling error is seemingly purposeful) decided it was time to put a price on fame. Based in New York, they offer "celebrity lifestyle tours" of the "best nightclubs" of Manhattan.

Not only will you swan through red ropes of the city's top nightspots, PartyBuddy can also arrange for your own personal assistant, bodyguards or, gag, paparazzi to document your evening.

Starting at US$1,165, the evening doesn't come cheap, but it's a small price to pay for the Bridge and Tunnel Cinderella wishing for a VIP table close enough to hear Mary Kate Olsen retch.

Group rates also apply. God help us...

New York, Hollywood, Miami and Las Vegas
by EC
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