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Modern day evolution? Unintelligent design?

Men Speak the Unspeakable is not exactly going to make it to the Sunday Times best seller list.

This strange tome, about two men's personal odysseys and transformation from "am I?" to "I am", - wtf? - makes the New Age look positively pre-modern.

Let's face it: they're Tin Men to Robert Bly's Iron Man. With 72 chapters, and titles like "jack-off buddies" and "parenting vs abuse" you just know that Mickey and Ed should have spent their self-publishing budget on more therapy. Because you can over-share and sometimes "better out than in" is only better for the sharer, not the sharee.

From the moment Mickey and Ed tell you they met at the Sex and Spirit Conference at Findhorn - no pun intended - (a community "based on the values of planetary service, co-creation with nature and attunement to the divinity within all beings" - their words/spelling, not mine) you know they should have (a) stayed there and (b) left it all in the room.

In all hair-shirt wearing bookshops, and on Amazon. Get this one, it could be a collectors item.

Men Speak the Unspeakable - £12.99
Published by Michael Elias Networks, dontcha know.
by SF
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