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The relationship between art and fashion is well documented. But it has often only resulted in some really horrible Warhol inspired dresses by Versace.

But now 'Ju$t Another Rich Kid' founder, Ken Courtney, has gotten into bed with a bunch of artists - creatively speaking.

Moving on from his celebrity-shag sloganeering T's, he has collaborated with a gaggle of assorted creatives to bring you the new 'King of Rock' series of T-shirts.

Spearheading the collection is controversial Brit artist Stuart Semple - who ignited the fury of the art world with his Momart warehouse disaster piece 'Burn Baby Burn', made from the charcoaled remains of artworks such as Tracy Emin's scabby bed. This time Semple has appropriated the iconography of another art world hero with his cotton based tribute to Jean Michel Basquiat, called 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

Also involved in the project is cutlery manipulator and celebrity jungle resident, Uri Geller. Aside from multiple showbiz shenanigans, Geller acts as Semple's manager, and he has even provided two of his own designs, based on lyrics by The Rolling Stones and Motorhead.

However, the cyclical link with pop music is most fully realised with Tobias Wong's customised Ralph Lauren polo, which comes with a slit for keeping your iPod earphone cords hidden underneath.

King of Rock line from Ju$t Another Rich Kid out now  
by ST
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