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For some of us, this week has been all about fashion, fashion, fashion - as the London Fashion Week circus has come to town.

For those not in the bubble, London Fashion Week is supposed to be an ever evolving breeding ground for hot new fashion talent - it has to be as all the old talent ups sticks and leaves once it gains kudos. Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, Matthew Williamson - they may be British but they sure as hell don't show on these shores.

So as British designers fly the nest, some bright spark has decided to recruit them foreigners instead. SCOUT is a new initiative established to showcase emerging talent from abroad. The enterprise is run by the British Fashion Council - who have sent three hungry scouts to scour the globe in the name of style (nice job).

Tipped to be one of the most worthwhile finds is Nina Donis - a duo from Moscow - who are finishing off London Fashion Week today in show stopping style. If you aren't one of the lucky invited, this tippet of info is purely for your fashion pleasure - so you can look out for the low down in the reports and wax lyrical about the pair to your in-the-dark friends.

Swot up and check them out, it's what it's all about.

Nina Donis at LFW  
by MG
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