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Swing away

Well, we all KNEW those Primrose Hill types were up to no good.

Mostly because there's nothing to do there when the sun goes down.

Sure, you can cross the bridge to scuzzy Camden but who wants to rub shoulders with the freshly fauxhalked?

While the Pembroke, Lansdowne and Engineer might be fine for a pre-swap drink, the Hill was seriously lacking anywhere to take your neighbours after an energetic evening chez vous.

A new restaurant Chalcot, opening this week, might be just the place to get your strength back. While the eatery will serve lunch and dinner, they specialise in Friday and weekend brunches.

Scrambled eggs with layers of smoked salmon and eggs Benedict sound good?

Probably a hell of a lot tastier than what you swallowed last night.

Chalcot - 020 7483 0077
40 Chalcot Road, Primrose Hill, NW1
Dinner Monday to Saturday from 6pm-10:30pm Brunch Friday-Sunday 11am­3:30pm
by EC
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