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Turn it up

It never ceases to amaze me that hotels, stores, and public spaces in general spend millions on what things look like, and then leave it to some shop-floor lackey to decide what it sounds like. Dave's ‘Greatest R'n'B comp’ at ear shattering volume anyone?

On the contrary The GE Hotel has always had a good line in sounds, but has now gone one step further with the launch this evening of Suite, an exhibition of contemporary sound installations around the building.

Suite 1 provides a revealing welcome: an acoustic structure in the lobby magnifies sounds, put your head inside and the merest whisper is amplified – be careful with those parting whispered sweet nothings love birds.

Suite 2 plays through the hotel's telephones and TVs, providing a sonic glimpse behind the scenes, contrasting the comforting hush front of house with the hustle that goes on behind the scenes to keep it that way.

Finally Suite 3 is the piece de resistance, centring on motion-activated projectors and speakers, which increase in volume the more people, are present. This sound and the people producing it are projected as sound frequencies onto the landing walls - combining sampled archive audio, video projection and interactive technology. Groovy!

Suite at the Great Eastern Hotel - Feb 25-Mar 18  
by SOC
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