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It's sad to say that in this high-speed world of broadband, speed dating and even faster food, the average attention span is about 20 seconds long.

If you're still reading this then you're doing pretty well.

We now view exhibitions via the Internet, fast-forward the commercials (thank god for Sky), and down the contents of Metro in the five stops between Bethnal Green and Holborn.

If, like us, you spend so much time doing everything quickly, yet still have no time left to learn new and exciting things, then Pecha Kucha could be for you. Don't be scared off by the name - it's not a Kabbalah cult - it's just Japanese for "chit chat".

Pecha Kucha is a new kind of event created by those clever guys at Apple where 20 people involved in architecture, design, fashion or art, show 20 images each, for 20 seconds.

It's easier than swallowing an encyclopedia and you'll learn loads of stuff to tell your mates about.

Pecha Kucha - tonight at 6:30pm
Apple store, 235 Regent St, W1 - 020 7153 9000
by RP
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