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Precocious ain't the word darlins!

A sixteen-year-old opening a fashion store selling the sort of streetwear that appeals to, well, sixteen-year-olds and, according to the press release, "London's in the know football & music community" points to a Britney-esque future for young Dan Harris.

Surely the boy will burn out, get married and then forget before he turns 20?! Anyways, it may be Grim Up North London, but PHLY (geddit?) is certainly brightening up the lives of fashion loving residents of London's fashionable Muswell Hill.

PHLY sells labels including Triple 5 Soul, Prada Sport and Marithé et François Girbaud, alongside the highly sought after (apparently) We/Adidas collaboration. And as if that's not enough, what you really need are Kohzo's latest hi-tech denims: Kevlar jeans (used in bullet proof vests and helicopter rotors) or Sasawashi therapeutic jeans, which absorb excess water and block ultraviolet radiation. Handy.

Furthermore PHLY also offers such diverse services as "organic nutrition, life coaching and emotional renewal - over a glass of their own PHLY label champagne.

And for the customer requiring more privacy, the store can be closed for private shopping and private views by appointment".

Who knew there was a demand for such things in Muswell Hill? But then Warhol was right: In the suburbs, everyone can be a Beckham for 15 minutes.

128 Crouch Hill, N8 - 020 8340 4411
by SOC
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