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Dumme Nudel - Markus Jerko www.mworx.at

Members clubs are a London institution.

Nowhere else are people so eager to shell out hundreds of pounds for the privilege of drinking with a bunch of strangers. It's basically a pub lock-in for wankers.

Not like the good old days when members bars meant cigar-scented leather club chairs, martinis served on silver trays and quiet chats by the fireside.

But it can. The Lansdowne Club, a veritable London institution, is accepting new members after its recent refurbishment. The original members club, established in the 30s, is one of the few old-fashion clubs still in existence. While it certainly has its share of older members, the under 35 membership is growing strong with a selection of very influential, but obviously classified, names on the list.

Once owned by the founder of Selfridges, the club has a grand ballroom, cosy billiards room, an elegant dining room, open air courtyard and cosy tea rooms. The club is also has hotel rooms available for members. Plus - this might be the best part - it has an a gym in the basement so you can get rid of that expensive Holmes Place membership too. And all for quite a bit less than you think.

Lansdowne Club - now accepting new members
9 Fitzmaurice Place, W1 - 020 7318 6160
by EC
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