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Make an effort to get up and out of bed this Sunday and head down to the latest Midcentury. Modern happening in Dulwich.

It'll be well worth it.

Set in the devastatingly modern concrete and glass 1960s Christison-designed refectory at Dulwich College, this interiors fair is less of a sales opportunity and more of a "lifestyle spectacle".

For starters, handsome college boys will escort you to your parking space, then leave you free to browse the goodies for sale which include everything from Eames rockers to cult ceramics from YoYo.

This promises to be much more fun than visiting a design museum as here you actually get to stroke and fondle the pieces on display. And what's more, if you're willing to dip into your pocket you can take anything home with you.

Except the college boys of course.

Midcentury.Modern - 10am-4pm Sunday Mar 6
Dulwich College, SE21
Prices from £10 to £10,000. £4.50 admission.
by RP
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