If you say the word 'Dodgeball' to someone chances are they'll start having disturbing flashbacks to childhood P.E. lessons or they'll just chuckle to themesleves at the memories of Ben Stiller in an awful lot of purple latex. |
What they won't be thinking of is 'mobile
social software', but it's only a matter of time. Dodgeball texting
has been sweeping the States since its launch last spring and it's catching
on like bird flu, so it shouldn't be too long before we see the this
latest messaging fad hitting these shores. Dodgeball can tell if there's a 'friend of a friend' within close range and put you in contact. And you can even flag up strangers profiles who look 'appealing' to you and then be notified when you're socialising in their proximity. Whether you view it as a socialising godsend or the software from hell, there's no getting away from it: Dodgeball is coming and there will be no escape.
Dodgeball - mobile social software |
by RH |