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Glitzy starry world

Civilised, grown-up venues are something of a rarity in Shoreditch. As entrepreneurs masquerade as chavs and secretaries as gypsies, so do doss pits as style destinations.

Occupying the former site of the Electricity Showrooms, Cube & Star is something of a departure from the Hoxton scene altogether (hallelujah!).

Claiming to be the first Nuevo Latino restaurant in London (which basically means a Euro South American fusion), it's slim, slick and monochrome, has the requisite blingtastic chandeliers and giant, backlit pics of Old Havana forming a photographic ceiling.

There's a fabulous cocktail list (word on the street has it that when the competition's been in there's not a menu left on the table) and food that's delish - chocolate cigars are a definite highlight. It holds a restaurant, bar and cigar bar and September will see the opening of a Cuban jazz lounge in the basement.

And as mojitos are to Latin America as ephemerality is to the locale, it's worth knowing that Cube & Star boasts the authentic strain, which is always an unexpected treat.


Cube & Star
39a Hoxton Square, N1.
020 7739 8824
by VG
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