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Zandra goes budget

When two tribes go to war, a grand, apparently, is all that you can score.

Well, that's the (meagre?) budget that Vogue and Zandra Rhodes' Fashion and Textile Museum have put up for the combined 'armies' of architect du jour David Adjaye and the fashion design duo Boudicca to make a dress and chat about it.

'What Happens When Fashion and Architecture Meet?' should make for an interesting discussion - after all, there are a surprising number of similarities between the two trades, being the two aesthetic professions we really can't ignore: you can keep away from Tracy Emin if you're minded, but you can't avoid The Gap and the Gherkin.

Adjaye, if you don't know, is the golden boy of the architecture world: young, not dumb, and certainly full of stun. He designed the cutting-edge boutique Browns Focus, music industry hang-out The Social, and has built stuff for non-entities like Chris Ofili, Ewan McGregor, Jake Chapman, Alexander McQueen and Juergen Teller.

Boudicca, meanwhile, are renowned for their uncompromisingly architectural schmutter, so designers Brian Kirkby and Zowie Broach should make a great foil for Adjaye.


Boudicca vs. Adjaye - tonight June 1 at 7pm
@ Fashion & Textile Museum, 83 Bermondsey St, SE1. £12 admission.
Book by phone at 020 7407 8664 or by email .

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