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A plateful of art

Multi-concept is nothing new to Notting Hill.

What with Fig 108 at Westbourne Studios, Chair, 202, and that shopping mall that's in a church (proof, if ever it were needed, that consumerism is a religion here).

And now there's Food@theMuse, too.

Food@theMuse is a long, slim space. Totally symbiotic, the chain goes something like this: four fine art grads are nominated to work in The Muse's open studio for eight months. Their pieces are exhibited in the restaurant, from where the artists can be seen working.

The feel of the art - light, heavy, rich etc - is incorporated into the pan-global menu by Tom Kime, who's been voted one of Britain's most dynamic young chefs. And then there's the members' club, hosting events such as openings, life drawing classes, seminars, film screenings and art therapy workshops.

Got that?

Run by artists for artists, The Muse hopes to be at the forefront of the West London creative scene - and the area sorely needs it, if only to divert the resident faux-bohemian attention from the local sports of GI dieting and naval gazing.


Food @ the Muse - now open
269 Portobello Road, W11 - 07974 206 780
by VG
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