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Does anyone actually use any of those 'personal shopper' services?

Isn't the thought of Oxford Street on a Saturday afternoon enough without having the added pressure of some Trinny and Susannah wannabe telling you which jeans will make your ass look smaller or why you should never ever even think about wearing purple?

Bearing all that in mind you can understand why we were quite cynical about Harrods' plans to introduce a swanky bespoke shopping department, 'By Appointment'. But cynical we were, and fans we may now be, as they have added one very special touch to their service - namely, The Rolls.

You see, if having your every shopping needs attended to by a small army of Harrods gophers is a little too much for you then you can request to be taken home in a chauffeur-driven, Harrods-green, Rolls Royce (makes you re-think the Topshop jeep, doesn't it).

The only question is, as the service is complimentary, will Harrods actually make you buy anything before they give you the Roller? And, if so, will a bottle of wine and a Mars Bar suffice?

Ok, so your pride might take a bit of a battering, but it beats taking the Tube.


By Appointment dept at Harrods - launches today. For more information or to book an appointment, call 020 7893 8000  
by RH
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