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Hearty fare

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

But the way to a good meal is along the District Line to the new Meum Cor bar and restaurant in Fulham.

Meum Cor - which means 'my heart' in Latin - is the lovechild of Bryan Rodrigues and George Sanderson, along with Savoy trained head chef, Daniel Bodimeade (Quaglinos) and opened unannounced last week.

The first floor dining room, designed by Sean Clarkson (the same Sean Clarkson who did such a brilliant job with the Cheyne Walk Brasserie) manages to pull off that holy grail of restaurant décor, combining elegance and effortlessness with a contemporary regal feel. And even better, it doesn't seem like the local pashmina brigade have found out about it yet.

It won't be long, though, as Bodimeade's Modern European menu, which includes wood pigeon and guinea fowl, would probably go down a treat with them.

So get there quick and keep your visits infrequent, as all this rich food could lead you the way of a nasty cardiac condition.


Meum Cor
308-310 North End Rd, SW6 - 020 7385 8001
by ST
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