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Ride to nowhere

Jamie Reid is the artist who made the legendary Sex Pistols record covers, and whose original artworks now sell for very un-punky prices indeed.

The original God Save the Queen collage, known as Swastika Eyes, was withdrawn for obvious reasons, and it's now on sale for the princely sum of £35,000.

Tonight offers a rare chance to meet Reid (if you can fight your way through all those old punks reminiscing), and see the original collage itself at the Eyestorm gallery in conjunction with Britart.com.

Then, for those who've done well since the heady days of '77, you can lay hands on a signed, limited-edition print for around six hundred quid - although to my mind it has to be very doubtful if today's prints (limited to a mere 350 mind you) will increase in value anything like as much as the originals.

Then again - there's always a new generation of punks just around the corner...


Jamie Reid signing tonight 6-8pm
at eyestorm britart gallery to July 2
18 Maddox Street, W1 - 020 7659 0860

by SOC
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