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Behave yourself

It's easy to be a nice, cool, individual-butter-pat sized ego person when you're down on your luck, much harder to keep your ego in check when you get a little taste of success.

But then you'd already know that wouldn't you, dear reader, since by all accounts you are a monster with a fatal combination of a huge ego and zero self-esteem.

In which case watching Overnight, a rather tasty documentary that's released today, should be like looking in the mirror for you (a process that generally involves tears in the morning with you, non?).

A tale of LA bartender Troy Duffy (what a name!) who sells his screenplay to Miramax in a nifty deal that allows him to both direct and soundtrack the film (he's in a band donchaknow?). So what does he do? He proceeds to alienate everyone around him with his arrogance, vanity, and narcissism, while simultaneously burning every bridge possible in the music and film industry.

Oh, and while he's doing all this, he asks some guys to film the whole process which he believes will make him a star, almost literally, Overnight.

It may not have made him a 'star' (the truth on screen isn't pretty, Troy Boy), but it was a Sundance fave (egos unite!), and as far as 'reality' shows go, beats Silicone Isle or Big Bruvah (piss off already!), any day.

Overnight premieres tonight. Curzon Soho, Gate Notting Hill and Ritzy Cinema

by SOC
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