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Finsbury Express

If you thought Finsbury Park was simply the home of 70s bowling emporium Rowans and the Arsenal memorabilia shop then perhaps it's time to rediscover N4.

Hidden amongst the Indian greengrocers and hair weave superstores of Stroud Green Road lies Hannah's 'Caribbean Experience.'

As anyone who has ever found themselves on the hunt for the perfect jerk chicken will know, West Indian cuisine is somewhat of a hit and miss affair in London.

With the rare exception, it's either been microwaved pattie huts, or 'up-market' Caribbean bistros serving a watered down version of the real thing. Hannah's, however, has managed to create a totally accessible menu authentic down to the very last detail.

This unpretentious family run-restaurant, with the formidable (you've guessed it) Hannah at the helm, specialises in Trinidadian treats but offers a range of mind-blowing classic Caribbean dishes. Ackee and salt fish (think 'Jamaican paella' and you're getting close), curry goat, Roti, Jerk lobster, all served with the ubiquitous rice n'peas, fried plantain and strangely enough-baked macaroni pie (trust me, it works).

Wash it all down with a Guinness punch and a slice of coconut cake and then await the inevitable disbelief when the very reasonable bill arrives.

Finger lickin' good.

Hannah’s, 96 Stroud Green Road, Finsbury Park, N4 - 020 7263 4004
Mon-Sat 12-11.30pm, Sun 2-10pm
by LD
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