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Carlo Gruber

Tonight sees the UK launch of Sneaker Freaker mag down at the Truman Brewery (where else?), which should give footwear obsessives of the world a chance to get seriously nerdy together.

It's a strange phenomena indeed the sneaker obsessive. I mean, training shoes - as I still proudly, obstinately prefer to call them - are undoubtedly cool things. They're comfortable, and many feature some of the most innovative product design you'll find anywhere on this planet.

But the whole world of obsessively hoovering up limited editions at vastly inflated prices, or queueing all night on New Year's Eve to get some weird new Nikes (as a bunch of, mainly Japanese, dudes did in Soho last year) seems like a mug's game to me.

Still, if you disagree, get down to The Truman, or look at www.sneakerfreaker.com and marvel at the ones with in-built rasta socks. Oh God, I'd Pay Seeerious Cash for a those babies!

See, they've snared me...

Sneaker Freaker UK launch 6-10pm tonight July 12. Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, E1
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